
Showing posts from June, 2021

Stone Curlew!

Whilst emptying the moth trap this morning, I absent-mindedly passed off a high flying overhead wader as a late Golden Plover, but then realised the call wasn't right and it was bit large... Had the camera been to hand I'd have got some sort of a shot, but regret you'll have to trust me on this one. Several entries on Xeno Canto convinced me that this was in fact a Stone Curlew. A few (probably youngsters) are still on the move, including one last week seen at Cone Point... Oh - were there any moths? Yeah, a few... Photos taken hurriedly with phone... 😖

Wivenhoe Wildlife Garden, Monday, 7th June, 2021

Whilst waiting for a meeting of the council's Youth, Funding and Engagement committee to start. Didn't want to disturb Andrea on the phone (she'd arrived an hour early) so stood by the pond...